Light a Candle, Start Your Prayer ✨

A gentle 2-minute prayer for quiet hearts (St. Andrew's feast!) ❤️

As you light the evening lamp and settle into your favorite chair, each flicker of light becomes a moment to pause and pray.

Today, on the Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle, who left his fishing nets to follow Jesus,

We remember that God calls us in the midst of our daily tasks, even as we wipe counters or fold blankets in the soft evening light.

Today's Prayer: Evening Light and Love

Gentle lamplight fills the room,

As evening shadows softly loom.

In this quiet, peaceful space,

Lord, I feel Your warm embrace.

Like Saint Andrew's faithful heart,

Help me choose the better part.

In these moments, still and clear,

Let me know that You are near.

Light our path with grace divine,

As our hearts with Yours align.


Scripture for Today: "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of people." - Matthew 4:19

May St. Andrew's courage to answer God's call remind us that every gentle act of service to our families becomes a way to follow Jesus with love.


Two Minute Prayers Team


✝️ Share with a faithful friend whose hands are busy serving others today

❤️ Reply and let us know: What ordinary moment became sacred for you today?


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