College Call, Mixed Feelings ❤️

When kids grow up but still need you! ✨

Scripture For Today: "In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."

Proverbs 3:6

Parenting across age gaps pulls you in all ways.

Your college kid's text needs help while the small ones need lunch packed.

Perhaps you worry if you're doing right by each of them at their own stage.

Today, St. Eulogius shows us how love can stretch wide enough to meet each child where they are.

Your heart has room for all.

Each stage has holy work.

Today's Prayer: Stretched Love

Some need hugs and some need space,

Each child grows at their own pace,

Help me see what each one needs,

As You guide where love best leads.

From small hands to those full grown,

All the care that I have shown,

Flows from You through me each day,

As I walk this mom-heart way.

Lord who loves each stage and age,

Help me turn this tricky page.


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May St. Eulogius's wise care remind you today—

Your love works at all ages.

God sees your stretched heart.

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In the pull of many needs, God's grace makes your love grow wider.


Two Minute Prayers Team
